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Conservation Minutes, January 13, 2015

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   John Kemmett, Chairman
   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman
                          Brad Kirlin, Member
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member

Also Present:              Laurie Muncy, Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of December 9th, 2014:    Brad Kirlin
        Second:   Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  3-0-0
Public Hearings

7:00 PM Continued Notice of Intent for repairs to the Factory Pond Dam at 0 Winter Street Rear (behind 901 Winter Street), Map 114 (Hanson), Lot 9A (Hanson) for the Hanover & Hanson Conservation Commissions represented by Amory Engineers, P.C., 25 Depot Street, PO Box 1768, Duxbury, MA  (DEP #SE175-0655)

        Motion to continue until 1/27/2015 at 7 PM per request of applicant:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0

7:15 PM  Request for Determination of Applicability for an After-the-Fact installation of a concrete pad and hot tub and a proposal to take down existing shed and replace with new shed within 100 feet of Resource Area which is West Monponsett Pond at 39 Ocean Ave., Map 2, Lot 1509 & 1510 for Brenna Audette.  (New Hearing)

        Mr. Kirlin read the public hearing notice and the abutters were verified.  Ms. Audette attended the meeting and explained that she had hired a contractor to install a hot tub.  The contractor told her that she did not need a permit from Conservation for a concrete pad. She just wants to do the right thing.  Mr. Kemmett commented that she would have to file a Notice of Intent as a variance from the 50’ no build setback is required.  No abutters were present.  

        Motion to issue a Positive 5 Determination of Applicability (Denial):  Frank    Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0

7:30 PM  Request for Determination of Applicability for digging test holes in preparation of designing a septic upgrade plan at 95 Beckett Street, Map 88, Lot 53 for Dorothea Rist represented by Webby Engineering, Inc., 180 County Rd., Plympton, MA  02367.  (New Hearing)

        Mr. Kirlin read the public hearing notice and the abutters were verified.  Mr. Webby presented a Plan dated 11/20/14 for the repair/upgrade of a septic system.  Mr. Brad Holmes, P.W.S. of Environmental Consulting & Restoration, LLC flagged the Bordering Vegetated Wetland associated with Oldham Pond in October, 2014.  Mr. Webby commented that the entire lot is within the 100’ buffer zone and they are requesting to dig test holes within the 50’ buffer zone.  Ms. Muncy asked what the distance of the disturbance was to the closest flag.  Mr. Webby answered about 40’. Mr. Schellenger asked if Beckett Street was an accepted way.  Mr. Webby answered that the road layout was 40’ wide down to the pond but the edge of the traveled way basically ends at the driveway.   No abutters were present.

        Motion to approve a Negative 3 Determination of Applicability:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0

8:00 PM Appointment with Jim O’Brien to discuss changes to the Plan for two building lots at Whitman Street (DEP #’s SE175-0616 and SE175-0617)
        Mr. O’Brien, Construction Manager for the project, came to the meeting to ask the Commission for a letter of support for the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Mr. O’Brien has applied for a variance from the ZBA to allow a single driveway for the two house lots.  From a conservation perspective, this would eliminate the amount of disturbance from construction of the driveways and the bridge crossing by 10,800 square feet.  Mr. Schellenger asked if they were reducing the size of the replication area.  Mr. O’Brien answered “No.  Everything else on the approved plan would be the same.”  To confirm, Mr. Schellenger reiterated that they were moving away from the wetland and using a smaller culvert for the crossing.  Mr. Clemons clarified that the diameter of the culvert would be the same, only the width of the driveway would be reduced.  Mr. Kemmett suggested that the change would require a Request for an Amendment to the Order of Conditions and any revisions to the plan would have to be reviewed by John Delano who is the consultant for the Commission.

        Motion to draft a letter to support in principal the concept of reducing impact to the  natural resource subject to             approval by the Commission through the proper course of         action:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0


MACC Conference on 2/28/15 at Holy Cross College in Worcester – let Becky know if you want to go

Poor Meadow Brook Conservation Area update

        Mr. Clemons reported that the management of the property was steadily progressing.  Through the generous donation of a local contractor, the parking lot has been finished.  A few large rocks were placed at the entrance and good, impervious gravel was spread with a final layer of reprocessed material to be applied in the spring.   He added that it looks nicer and is definitely safer.  Mr. Clemons anticipates that the Commission will be supportive of an Eagle Scout project to install a picnic table and a kiosk.  Also, trail planning is ongoing.

Commence strategizing planning for updating of Open Space & Recreation Plan

        Mr. Clemons remarked that the Town of Hanson Open Space and Recreation Plan needs to be updated as it will be expiring this year in December. Mr. Clemons added that many of the goals outlined in the current plan were achieved.  In addition, because the existence of the Plan was instrumental in obtaining approval of a substantial grant to acquire open space, it would be wise to put together an approach to begin this process.   Because we have an opportunity to work with a word document and the budget may be less than it was the last time, it may be possible to do much of the work ourselves.  Mr. Clemons said that he would be willing to help out and will put together a timeline and an overview of objectives for the next meeting.         

LiteControl property, 100 Hawks Avenue
        Ms. Muncy reported that the company hired to conduct the cleanup at Lite Control will submitting in the near future a Notice of Intent for Phase I Remediation which includes demolition of several buildings.  Subsequently, the proponent of the property intends to donate most of the adjacent land to an abutter: The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, the owner of the Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area.  Mr. Clemons mentioned that the extreme northerly portion of the Lite Control property abuts Town of Hanson conservation land called the Indian Crossway.  He suggested that we explore a partnership with Division of Fisheries and Wildlife if the majority of the property, approximately 100+ acres is slated to be donated to that organization.   
        Mr. Kemmett mentioned that he has been appointed to a Study Committee to explore the possibility of whether to accept a gift of 1.1 acres consisting of the remaining land and buildings located along the western edge of the developed portion of the site.   The study group intends to look at the potential for reuse of the existing infrastructure and land.

Old Business/New Business

        An unscheduled discussion was initiated by Mr. Jim McGann, Selectman.  Mr. McGann came to the meeting to ask the Commission about ways of bringing the high levels of algae in Wampatuck Pond down to an acceptable level during the summer months. His concern is that even though warning signs are posted, kids still wade, fish and kayak in the water.  Mr. McGann is aware that money would be an issue, but was of the opinion that a short term treatment would cost around $4,000.  Another option would be to look into the cost of cleaning storm drains and installing filters.  He added that further research is needed.
        Mr. Clemons commented that the subject matter is complicated environmentally and geographically.  There are many issues impacting water quality and as a biologist, he would question whether it’s bacteria, algae, chemicals, phosphates from cranberry bogs (whose bogs?) or other causes that are affecting the pond.  Mr. Clemons suggested that it’s not an easy thing to decide what’s worth spending money on.  He added that to have a strategy to treat storm water, agricultural runoff or septic systems upstream are all good ideas.  The exercise is finding the right thing to do long term.   
        Mr. Schellenger commented that a program for treatment should be data driven.  He remarked that a short term solution would be to treat the pond with Alum which coats the pond bottom with aluminum sulfate, capturing phosphates in the process.  It was applied to Oldham Pond last year and cleaned the pond quickly and worked great initially, but by September, it was green again.  Mr. Kemmett suggested that a long-term approach is more important rather than a quick fix which would be unsustainable for taxpayers.  
        Mr. McGann continued and said that the reality is that we’re not going to get $50,000 to $100,000 for a long term solution.   As a selectman, he’s obligated to find answers to problems.  More research is needed for that to occur.  He added that his next step is to talk to Ron San Angelo, Town Administrator.  Mr. Kemmett requested that Wampatuck Pond is kept on the agenda as a regular discussion item.    

Amory Engineers, P.C./Invoice - signed
Notary Seal/Invoice - signed
Express Newspapers/Invoice -  signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM:   Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  3-0-0